Sunday, October 29, 2006

99 High Paying Adwords

Incorporating high paying keywords into your site is critical to maximizing your income. Who has the time to figure it all out? How much are you willing to pay for this type of information? The secret is out: Here are 99 keywords you can use with payouts averaging $2-$100 per click:

1. Structured settlements

2. Mesothelioma

3. Acne

4. Life Insurance

5. Death Insurance

6. Bextra

7. Asbestos

8. Car Insurance

9. Dental Plans

10. Private Jets

11. Debt Consolidation

12. Credit Cards

13. Rewards Cards

14. Equity Loans

15. Equity Line Credit

16. Loans

17. Mortgages

18. Pay Day Loans

19. Cash Advance

20. Bankruptcy

21. Reduce Debt

22. Refinance

23. Jet Charter

24. Vioxx

25. Wrongful death

26. Legal Advice

27. Taxes

28. Investing

29. Bonds

30. Online Trading

31. IRA Rollover

32. Refinance Quotes

33. Adult Education

34. Distance Learning

35. Alcohol Treatment

36. Rehab

37. Drug Rehab

38. Spyware

39. Cell Phone Plans

40. Calling Cards

41. VOIP

42. Weight Loss

43. Canadian Pharmacy

44. Depression

45. Spam Filter

46. Lasik

47. Facelift

48. Teeth Whitening

49. Annuity

50. Anti Virus Protection

51. Adult Diaper

52. Free Credit Report

53. Credit Score

54. Satellite

55. Anti Spam Software

56. Dedicated Hosting

57. Domain Name

58. Need Money

59. Bachelor Degree

60. Master Degree

61. Doctorate Degree

62. Work at Home

63. Quick Book

64. Extra Money

65. Eloan

66. Malpractice Lawyer

67. Lenox China

68. Cancer

69. Payperclick

70. Personal Injury Attorney

71. Lexington Law

72. Video Conferencing

73. Transfer Money

74. Windstar Cruise

75. Casinos Online

76. Term Life

77. Online Banking

78. Borrow Money

79. Low Interest Credit Cards

80. Personal Domain Name

81. Cellular Phone Rental

82. Internet Broker

83. Trans Union

84. Cheap Hosting

85. University Degrees Online

86. Online Marketing

87. Consolidate

88. Helpdesk Software

89. Web Host

90. Homeowner's Insurance

91. Yellow Page Advertising

92. Travel Insurance

93. Register Domain

94. Credit Counseling

95. Email Hosting

96. Business Credit

97. Consumer Credit

98. Blue Cross

99. Laptop Computer

Actual payouts vary depending on whose PPC program you belong to and on the amount that has been bid per click by advertisers. Still, the savvy web administrator will take good care to incorporate some of these key words and reap results higher than they ever expected.

Getting Started With Google Adsense

It should come to no surprise to most of you that amongst the number one monetizing forms one can use is Google Adsense – a strong advertisement method that automatically targets the content of your site and displays ad links accordingly. Super fast and pretty good, if you have a large website to play around with!

Of course the good ol’ giant has some flaws (although we will not discuss those in this article) but for the most Adsense will do a lot for your webpage. And nowadays the concept of having small text ads on your site is pretty much accepted and no one should be to upset about it.

How does Adsense work?

Well, first off you get to sign up with your site and the merry gang at Google will then get back to you if your site has been accepted or not. One tip here is to apply only with finished web pages or pages that has some decent content on them at least, it’s always boring to get rejected just because you were to trigger-happy!

When you are finally onboard, first of congratulations! Now it’s time to see what this program can do for you! As we wrote about earlier Adsense supplies advertisement to your visitors based on the content of your page, this means that if your page is about used cars, most likely the ads will display advertisement for.. used cars. Most of the time this will not be a problem since most pages are about one subject but in some cases it can be a bit messy (if you run a news page or link page you will have less control over shown ads). Why is this a problem you say? Well basically because visitors tend to click on ads that are closely related to the issue/content they are looking for. If your visitors are on your site reading about computer games, they’re more likely to be attracted to ads about computer games – now if you are running a site with changing content but still in some niche, you might get visitors that usually come to your site to read about computer games, but on this occasion you’ve pasted a news article about.. say cars, and then Adsense might show ads about cars. Not so likely that visitors will click on them, meaning less income for you.

This is no biggie however, there are numerous ways around this (defining what content Adsense should target is one) but I just wanted to give you a briefing how Adsense works and displays ads. Next step is choosing what type of ads you’d like to display on your page. My recommendation here would be to go with as much integration you possible can. Although, and this is a pretty BIG one, don’t ever try to fool your visitors (or Adsense either) just to get clicks! First off, your visitors will hate you for ever and eternal damnation might wait for you, but more important still, Adsense might throw you out and ban you.. not that funny since it’s no stroll in the park to get back in again.

(If you’re uncertain about your integration, just send Adsense an email just to make sure)

Different types of Adsense ads?

Currently there are three different ad formats available on Adsense:

Adsense for Content – displays ads (in text or banners, or both) on your page depending on your content/seo/links/and a lot more stuff, just to define what the hell your page is really about

Adsense for Search – A very smart little search bar integration letting your visitors search google and your site – while you get paid per search.

Adsense recommendations – Get your visitors to start using some of Googles own products and earn some cash along the way. You got Adsense, Adwords, Firefox with Google toolbar and Picasa to choose from.

Adsense for content

On this article I will mostly talk about Adsense for Content though, since that is, atleast in my opinion the system that works best.

So now you got your Adsense account up and running, time to choose your style! As I said above I would recommend Adsense for content since this is by far the easiest way of getting targeted ads on your site that your visitors might actually click on! First you get to choose if you want to have text ads or banners (images), or a mixture of both.

My recommendation here would be to go with text ads, small discreet stuff that works very well integrated on your pages. I would go for the banner images, not just yet at least but I will get back to using banners later on.

Try to pick a size that works for you, and be very mindful about the colors you can choose from, I would definitely recommend that you try to use the same, or similar colors on the ads that you have on your own links and a href stuff. Also try to give the ads some space and if you can, give them a good position, maybe somewhere in your text block?

Next up is definitely Text Links, these are small works of wonder and works very well if places right. I will get back to these small wonders later on this page but for now the direction you should be aiming for is trying to integrate them, and if you can even try to give them the space like you would for a normal navigation menu! (but as I said before, don’t try to be a smart ass and hide the links or make them too tricky, sure you might earn some nickels on it but the chances that Google won’t like your stunt makes it NOT worth it.)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Google AdSense Fraud - Deep Insight

It's worthwhile to examine Google's definition of Google AdSense and Click Fraud, before delving deeper into “AdSense Fraud”.

Google AdSense fraud is one of the diseases that plague the Ad Words advertisers. The AdSense program essentially allows website publishers/owners to sign up with Google, enabling them to display Google Ads on their sites. These publishers essentially act as “Google Partners”. The ads chosen by the Google bot for display are contextual and the ads are related to the contents of the publisher's website, more specifically that particular web page. The intent for Google is to capitalize on the traffic to these (in practice) niche sites and provide highly direct targeted traffic to the advertiser. A subset of the users of the Google Partner website, click on those ads and Google charges the advertiser per click. Google shares the booty with the website publisher but the revenue sharing ratio falls under Google's “undisclosed “criteria. While the exact amount can be reverse engineered, the take home lesson is that the filans a course of action. He “invests” in a clickbot software( a simple google search reveals many) and gets a list of anonymous proxy addresses. He then goes to register a few domains and hires someone off of elance to create a “network of sites”and “ click bot ” . He hopes that the interlinked sites will provide each some “link popularity” and increase his page rank. If only it were that simple! He then proceeds to use the $30 clickbot to start clicking on the sites. Or he could click on them himself manually using the proxies. We don't call him click monkey for nothing. He clicks and clicks all the way to see his account getting banned. No banana for this monkey! His calls of despair to google fall on deaf ears. This person is likely to quit, but sometimes retries to get up the food chain, the Wanna -Be-Fraudster.

Wanna -Be Fraudster ( aka BOZO):

This girl searches for high paying keywords like “home loan equity” (current ad words rate: $45), or “web hosting” (ad words costing $20). She correctly guesses that the AdSense payout is proportional to what Google earns and therefore homes in on such words. Her strategy is to make a page with contents that are appropriate for the targeted high payout keyword. She moves ahead by clicking on the link multiple times and recruits friends and family to give them a click. Or ten!

Little does she knlans a course of action. He “invests” in a clickbot software( a simple google search reveals many) and gets a list of anonymous proxy addresses. He then goes to register a few domains and hires someone off of elance to create a “network of sites”and “ click bot ” . He hopes that the interlinked sites will provide each some “link popularity” and increase his page rank. If only it were that simple! He then proceeds to use the $30 clickbot to start clicking on the sites. Or he could click on them himself manually using the proxies. We don't call him click monkey for nothing. He clicks and clicks all the way to see his account getting banned. No banana for this monkey! His calls of despair to google fall on deaf ears. This person is likely to quit, but sometimes retries to get up the food chain, the Wanna -Be-Fraudster.

Wanna -Be Fraudster ( aka BOZO):

This girl searches for high paying keywords like “home loan equity” (current ad words rate: $45), or “web hosting” (ad words costing $20). She correctly guesses that the AdSense payout is proportional to what Google earns and therefore homes in on such words. Her strategy is to make a page with contents that are appropriate for the targeted high payout keyword. She moves ahead by clicking on the link multiple times and recruits friends and family to give them a click. Or ten!

Little does she know that Google has a 45 day inspection period before she get her nubby little fingers on that cash. With little to no knowledge of Click through Ratio , her greed couples with her ignorance. Seeing her ill-gotten paper wealth multiplying in her AdSense interface, she increases the clicks. Google however inspects the CTR and throws a fit when they see a CTR exceeding 20%. Furthermore, Google notices clicks mostly originating from a few IP addresses and that essentially seals her fate (or rather docks her earnings). That virtual cash is now just some deleted bytes on a hard disk on Google's servers. She moans, nay she rail against the cruelty of Google's policy. Some of these people wisely cease and desist such activities, perhaps philosophizing about the NFL (no free lunch) theorem. Others however see it as ground school for the next stage of nefarious behavior. The Almost-There Fraudster.

Almost-There Fraudster ( aka SmartAlec ):

The archetypical ATF is supremely confident in his ability to fool Google. Like the BOZO, he looks for high paying keywords and makes appropriate website(s). Let's assume that he is in a third world country, just to make the case more interesting. The case described here is 1 year old news. He has read this article and taken the learnt the subsequent lesson . He knows that that the clicks from the IP Addresses of USA, UK & Canada are worth much more than the clicks from the IP Addresses from the third world countries. He therefore seeks to befriend people from such IP addresses by logging onto messenger services.

This way, he gets the unique, unrelated IP clicks and (he hopes) that Google is fooled. Remember “creature of the night”. Well, these people typically are more than a few time zone removed from the US or Canada and therefore are up at odd hours whenever they feel that their targets are most likely to be active. Plus they sometimes have to deal with “inconveniences” like a day job.

AT fraud thinks that the clicks he obtained by trolling on these sites is a job well done. He has got clicks from the IP address of his choice .. An interesting factoid is that for AdSense, state also matters. Clicks from Washington and New York State have the highest payout for AdSense Fraud.

He has just one problem. His tragic flaw. While he worked so hard to get the unique IP and high earnings, he is not able to maintain a good CTR. He is likely to cross the limit of 30-40% of daily CTR and 10-20% of overall CTR. He ends up in the same purgatory as the BOZO. The account is banned, and he gets the abominated email. Yes, the “AdSense account closure”. Almost-There is never good enough in this nether world of AdSense gaming. Although it is possible that he would have made a few thousand dollars before the punishment catches up to his crime. Crime doesn't quite pay, now does it? Well, gentle reader, unfortunately crime _is_ paying to the next category. Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn).

Fraudster Maestro ( aka Satan's Spawn):

This category of fraudsters is the most sophisticated and rarely gets caught by google . She has researched the high paying keywords as well as the CTR issues well. She has the smoothest lines in the business of soliciting clicks. She can flirt online, and ask to click the “link” for her picture. Or she may claim that clicking the link causes the hungry child to be fed in Ethiopia . Let's follow a typical “simple” chat session:

AT Fraud: hi

US User : hello

AT Fraud: what are your coordinates, handsome?

US User : NY , NY

AT Fraud: Oh! Wish I could be there. Can you help out a damsel in distress?

US User : sure

AT Fraud: I have made a site and want to see if all the links on this page are working or not. Can you please click on the links and see if the other page loads?

US User: Sure. Link?

AT Fraud:

US User : wait! Yes I checked all the links and they are working fine.

AT Fraud: Thanks

US User : so can we talk about you now? ( Message Not Delivered as the fraudster has blocked the User and is busy looking for a new victim)

And she has lots of tricks up her repertoire besides chatting up strangers. She knows about opt in lists, usenet and blogs where she can snare the victims. Technically savvy and able to empathize with her victims she doesn't let arrogance get in her way to success. Since she is very mindful of the CTR issues she has a secret weapon. She has optimized her site for some low paying keywords which are really not competitive. She organically gets lots of traffic (but for things unrelated to those competitive high paying keywords). In her website, she may be giving away free greeting cards Or free screensavers. End result is a fabulous impression count. The second step for her is to makes unrelated pages on the same site and these pages pertain to the high paying keywords. These keywords are used to attract the victims of chat sessions. The process of getting the clicks is different but the results due to CTR are very lucrative.

So, how does all this geek talk affect the PPC advertiser? It's a $5 billion+ dollar market(for exact projections onto the future, please check out our FAQ, and with a 20% + fraud rate, we are talking about a 1 BILLION dollars fraud per year. Even Dr. Evil may be impressed by such a number. It's greater than the cumulative GNP of a few banana republics. And a fair chunk is ending up in the coffers of these fraudsters. We know from anecdotal evidence, how people are clearing up to 20 grand a month. All, courtesy of the hapless PPC advertiser.

We want to emphasize that there are lots of authentic sites serving genuine content. But unfortunately the existence of these people (as discussed above) reduces the ROI of many advertisers to the extent that they rethink their interest in PPC. In the word of one of our organic SEO customers, with PPC “you always get a little less back than you put in”. It needn't be that way, if you watch carefully where your ad words traffic is coming from and take some steps (such as traffic analysis or at the very least a log file analysis) to protect arm yourself with data for a refund claim for google. Another thing to keep in mind is to stay nimble. Convincing search engines to refund money is a lot tougher and a lot more work than proactively watching for problem visitors and warning them of the repeated clicks and how they are being monitored. Our experience shows that all but the hardened criminals are deterred(reducing the adwords wasted burden). Remember, an ounce of prevention…

How To Find Your Own Valuable Adsense Keywords For Free

There’s tons of money to be made from the Google Adsense program for web masters and blog owners. That’s why “the vultures are circling” and folks are getting sucked in with all sorts of offers that promise instant high Adsense revenue. One of the top-selling products these days are those lists with the highest-paying Google Adsense keywords. Many people are desperately searching out for these lists and many will not hesitate to pay for them, especially because there are some keywords that are reputed to be capable of earning $100 per click.

I’m not saying all the lists are bad? In fact a good number of them are genuine and are created by high earning Adsense webmasters looking to maximize on their profits and to get something back from their time-consuming valuable keywords research efforts. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it makes perfect business sense. Except that you don’t really need those lists, there is a better proven way to increase your Adsense earnings.

The Adsense Secret Is All About Finding A Niche

The most important Adsense secret you will discover is that to make money and be successful, all you need to do is to stick to the basic rules for success in online marketing. The basics are that you need to find a niche that is not so competitive and one which you can contribute something special to based on your past experience, knowledge and skills. Everything else will then fall into place after this. Virtually every subject and topic you can think of will have relevant and valuable keywords.

This is in sharp contrast to the approach being encouraged by list-sellers. Which is to start by finding high-paying valuable keywords and then creating sites or blogs based on them. To start with Google do not like the idea because one of their rules is that you should not create a site or blog for the sole purpose of making money from Adsense. Of course it is easy to get round this one by quickly creating some products around your site and you really don’t need to care whether they sell or not, but who are you fooling?

The World Wide Web is increasingly busy and increasingly competitive and what this means is that niches are becoming increasingly vital and critical to online success.

You Will Earn More From Adsense With Multiple Sites/Blogs

Once you’ve found your niche, you can create a number of different sites narrowing your niche even further in different directions. I’ve used this strategy very successfully and I find that I am constantly coming up with new ideas for new sites without leaving my area of expertise. Of course I create relevant links between my different sites so as to maximize on the traffic that I receive. The important word here is “relevant”. There is nothing that puts off folks more than clicking on a link only to find that it is barely relevant to the information they are seeking. You’re wasting their time and they will not appreciate it. Better not to link at all in the first place.

What some high-earning Adsense folks have done is to create numerous blogs (some up to 50 and even more.) This strategy makes sense because the more pages you have with Adsense ads on them, the higher the chances of somebody clicking on some of the ads and therefore the higher your potential income. What I can’t imagine is how they manage to keep all the different blogs fed with quality content. I once tried this strategy with just one or two sites and it was very exhausting getting content for sites outside my area of expertise. There are increasing reports of incidents of pirated online content and I guess you now understand part of the reason why.

When you stick to one subject, keeping all your blogs fed with content becomes a breeze. You simply take one idea and modify it or slant it differently for the different sites. Even more important, it is easy to use the same valuable Adsense keywords for all the sites as you discover them.

A Free Tool To Help You Find Valuable Adsense Keywords

Here is a valuable tool that I use myself to constantly research valuable Adsense keywords. While you do not need those valuable Adsense keywords lists, you need to constantly research valuable Adsense keywords for yourself. Top Adsense earners spend a vast majority of their time doing this. You need to do the same if you want to be earn a serious income from the Adsense program.

7 Powerful Ways To Make Money From Adsense Using Only Free Tools

There is really no doubting that there are amazing incomes currently being made on Google Adsense and the really interesting thing is that even relatively small sites and blogs are finding new ways to make money from their Adsense sites every day.

Actually there are a lot of increasingly creative ways to make money and maximize on Adsense earnings that are being discovered and also being put to use every day. And what’s even more fascinating is the fact that most of these tools being used don’t cost anything. They are actually free. Here are 7 of the most effective currently being used.

a) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing articles through ezine and article announcement lists

Some of the most effective methods ways to make money from Adsense clicks involve the simple step of just increasing the volume of targeted traffic to a site. One of the ways of doing this is by distributing interesting content to ezine lists and article announcement lists. It is not too difficult to quickly build a list that reaches a million or so email boxes and can thus give a lot of visibility and drive tons of highly targetd traffic to your Adsense site or sites. Probably the most popular place for doing this is at Yahoo groups, but there are a few others that you can find easily by using your favorite search engine.

Success here depends on three main factors. Firstly you should be careful to join article announcement lists and ezine lists that are as relevant as possible to your subject matter and offering. Secondly your headline has to be a killer headline that will grab readers by the scruffs of their necks and force them to open your email message amongst the dozens or even hundreds of others they receive daily. It goes without saying that the content must meet the promise of your sensational headline. Anything less will cause annoyance and leave all those potential visitors to your Adsense site feeling cheated. And believe me, you don’t want to cause this sort of reaction because it is definitely not one of the ways o make money from Adsense or any other program for that matter. Thirdly, you will need the sort of resource box in all your articles that will leave most of your readers with no option but to visit your Adsense site.

Within a very short of consistently applying this technique, my daily Adsense earnings increased seven-fold.

b) Ways to make money from Adsense by Distributing free articles to high traffic article sites Some people find the recent trends that have seen an increase in article sites surprising. I don’t. The net is primarily an information-seeking tool. Anything that will help improve the search and quality of information will greatly benefit the people making that effort.

Some of the older article directories receive very high traffic, mainly from web masters and site owners seeking quality free content for their sites. So apart from the immediate exposure these sites also guarantee plenty of future targeted traffic to your site, when folks find your articles useful enough to re-post at their sites.

The more new articles you release to these sites every week, the more targeted traffic your Adsense sites will receive. This is in fact one of the most effective ways of making money consistently from Adsense clicks. One of the reasons for this is that targeted traffic will tend to spend more time at your site or sites, and the more time they spend, the higher the chances that they will click one one of the Adsense ads posted there.

c) Ways to make money from Adsense by Using Articles And A Viral Marketing Website

Any online marketing technique that involves the use of referral marketing or viral marketing automatically has a huge chance of being a success. The net is ideal for viral marketing and in fact gives any viral marketer huge leverage. Viral marketing or referral marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Just ask Bill Gates.

When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after an earlier mistake of underestimating the future importance of the net, he launched his Hotmail free email service when rivals like Yahoo already had millions of users. He decided to use a simple referral marketing technique. Every Hotmail message that went out had a brief signature at the end requesting the recipient to sign up for their free Hotmail account. Within a few short months, Hotmail had millions of users. And there are many other amazing stories which viral marketing boasts of on the net.

There is one of the very simple ways to make money from Adsense by going viral. Sign up at a leading viral marketing site. You will automatically get your own viral site. You can then use some of your articles to point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is that anybody who signs up at your site will have to visit your Adsense site if you register it at the site. So within a very short time you will be driving thousands of visitors to your Adsense site.

Find more details on this at my blog whose address you'll find in the resource box below.

Admittedly this traffic is less targeted. Still the huge potential and possible numbers you are able to receive using this free tool more than makes up for this.

d) Ways to make money from Adsense With Your Email signature

People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple email signature as one of the ways to make money online. Actually this is a viral marketing method because emails get forwarded all the time and are even copied to several other people sometimes.

Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites.

Writing effective email signatures is a skill that you will have to develop, but I have found that using famous quotes is more effective than a straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised to online.

e) Ways to make money from Adsense By Asking Questions At Discussion groups

I recently had an interesting conversation with a young Internet and computer techie. He asked me whether there were quick ways to make money online by answering technical questions and helping people to solve their computer and web-related problems. My answer was that there were many discussion groups where participants would get these answers for free. I advised him that he had a better chance of making money by making use of this free advice available online rather than by trying to sell his own advice.

There are tons of online discussion groups where leading world experts will answer your questions and give you valuable insight for free. It is amazing why most people do not think of using these online forums to learn as much as they can about the most effective ways of making money from Adsense.

These forums can easily be found through you favorite search engine.

f) Ways to make money from Adsense By Bartering your online skills for valuable Adsense keywords

In the old days, before the invention of money, if somebody needed something, the first question they asked themselves was; “What is it that I already have that I can exchange for what I need? Barter trade seems to have been forgotten but it is a very powerful method of trading. More so online where people have plenty of skills but are slow to trust others enough to send them money for an item they need.

You can barter whatever it is you have, your skills, products or services, and exchange them for genuine valuable Adsense keywords. Valuable Adsense keywords are the most effective way for a small site with low traffic to earn big cash from Adsense. And you can do this barter trade on an ongoing basis so that you always have a constant supply of valuable Adsense keywords which you can use at your site or blog as one of the ways to make more money from Adsense.

g) Ways to make money from Adsense By Sending Teaser Emails

To Everybody In Your Inbox And Also To Your Opt-in Email List Most of us receive tons of email in our inbox every day. You’ll be surprised at the huge number of people you know by simply going through your email inbox. No matter how good your spam filters are, you are also bound to be receiving more than your fare share of SPAM or unsolicited email. All this is “gold” lying in your email inbox and there are ways to make money using these emails. All you need to do to process the emails into pure gold is to send out “teaser emails about the most interesting aspects of content at your site. The whole objective of teaser emails is to get people to visit your site. For instance if I were to send out teaser email on this content here is how I would construct it;

Subject: Free Tools Currently Being Used To Increase Adsense Earnings


Just thought you might be interested in this subject, since so many folks online use Adsense these days. If not please accept my sincere apologies. Details are at my site.

www. your site's address .com

Regards, Chris.

I am sure you can write an even more effective teaser email. It would be a better idea to have a different message for your close friends, a different one for your business contacts and yet another one for those nasty guys SPAMMING you.

These are just some of the many creative ways to make money from Adsense.

How not to get Banned!!

If you trawl through the AdSense message boards you can’t help but come across tales of woe from AdSense publishers that have had their account banned by Google.

Below is a list of ways people have been banned from AdSense and information on how to avoid it happening to you.

Don’t click on your own ads

The obvious one but still people do it. Google has the IP address of the computer/s that you’ve used to create and check your AdSense account. If it sees that this IP address clicks one of your ads you’re in trouble.

Don’t do it. It’s theft. Not from Google but from the AdWords advertisers.

If you want to go to a site advertised by one of your ads don’t click on it look at the URL of the advertising site at the bottom of the ad and type it into your browser.

If you click on one accidentally (which does happen) you’re probably be ok but it’s worth dropping a quick email to Google with an explanation and apology

Don’t log in to AdSense from a shared computer.

As I said above Google keeps a record of every machine IP address used to look at your account. If you check your stats on a machine then someone else clicks on your ads from the same machine Google sees this as click fraud. Worth bearing in mind when thinking of checking your stats from somewhere like an Internet Café.

Don’t log in to your AdSense account from work.

Apart from getting in trouble with the company that employs you there’s also a further real risk. Most companies use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server with ONE IP ADDRESS. Therefore you checking your ads from work means this proxy IP address being recorded by Google as one that you use. Problem is if there are 1000 people in your company it is the same IP address for them too. Google can’t differentiate between you and the other 999 employees in your company. If one of these 999 clicks on one of your ads it’s ban time.

Don’t get into a ‘I’ll click your ads if you click mine’ agreement with another Webmaster.

As above Google will have your IP address and that of every AdSense publisher. If they see these IP addresses consistently clicking on each other ads it’s goodbye for both of you.

Don’t tell friends and family.

Telling friends and family about your money making websites can lead to problems. Even if you tell them not to click on your ads there’s always the chance that Auntie Maud will think it’s a good idea to make some extra money for her favourite nephew. 100 clicks later from the same visitor and your account is screaming ‘Click Fraud’.

Receiving clicks from illegal traffic

Check the AdSense TOS for sources of traffic that aren’t allowed by Google. These include methods like Traffic exchange, PTC advertising, Auto surf etc.

Do monitor your visitor and AdSense figures

Check your account at least once a day. If you see a massive spike coupled with a massive increase in Page CTR investigate using your visitor stats website. If you see it’s all come from the same IP address you could have been the victim of a malicious attack – inform Google via email and offer them access to your logs.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Make $1 Million using Adsense

Here is an incredible story I found -

They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that he is on track to earn a million dollars from AdSense over the year ahead.

And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.

Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.

As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.

That’s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.

Google’s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense’s premier position seems secure for now.

In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.

AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.

Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.

Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis’ impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.

Calacanis’ million dollar blog entry can be viewed at: